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The Strongman of Unbelief


God, through Isaiah, raises this question: “Who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?” Isa. 53:1. What is the full report? What is the full gospel? Isaiah 53 tells us all that Jesus appropriated for us on the Cross. It is salvation from sin unto eternal life, but it is much so more than that! There are many unbelieving believers who do not appropriate the full benefits of the Cross. They have selectively appropriated the basics yet bypassed all the other good fruit. The Devil’s goal is to keep us in unbelief. The devil is in trouble if we believe the full report. He torments and defeats us by keeping us in unbelief so that we cannot appropriate the full benefits of the Cross. God is going to set us free from the spirits of unbelief, deafness and dumbness. We are going to get rid of that rascal of unbelief in our lives so we can see and hear what God is saying to us in this hour. This book contains revelatory insights concerning: – The full report of all that the cross provides – The devil’s master strategy to destroy faith – How unbelief is robbing the Body of Christ of much of what the Cross provides – Subtle things that affect our ability to believe – Deliverance from the spirits of unbelief, blindness, deafness and dumbness

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God, through Isaiah, raises this question: “Who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?” Isa. 53:1. What is the full report? What is the full gospel? Isaiah 53 tells us all that Jesus appropriated for us on the Cross. It is salvation from sin unto eternal life, but it is much so more than that! There are many unbelieving believers who do not appropriate the full benefits of the Cross. They have selectively appropriated the basics yet bypassed all the other good fruit. The Devil’s goal is to keep us in unbelief. The devil is in trouble if we believe the full report. He torments and defeats us by keeping us in unbelief so that we cannot appropriate the full benefits of the Cross. God is going to set us free from the spirits of unbelief, deafness and dumbness. We are going to get rid of that rascal of unbelief in our lives so we can see and hear what God is saying to us in this hour. This book contains revelatory insights concerning: – The full report of all that the cross provides – The devil’s master strategy to destroy faith – How unbelief is robbing the Body of Christ of much of what the Cross provides – Subtle things that affect our ability to believe – Deliverance from the spirits of unbelief, blindness, deafness and dumbness

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Weight 0.00 kg
Dimensions .08 × 0.00 × 0.00 cm

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